Physiotherapy & Hydrotherapy

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Physiotherapy & Hydrotherapy

Equine and Canine solutions is the leading veterinary physiotherapy practice in the North-West. Lead by Rachel Greetham, a very experienced and respected physiotherapist. Rachel and her team of physios are all fully chartered human physiotherapist as well as Category A ACPAT members (the Gold Standard for Veterinary Physiotherapy).

They treat a wide variety of orthopaedic and neurological conditions including post operative cases and ongoing chronic pathologies for us from two of our branch surgeries that have treadmill facilities. They use a wide variety of manual therapies, electrotherapy alongside prescribing individually tailored exercise programs to promote recovery from injuries.

The excellent hydrotherapy facilities are complimented by physio led sessions to help achieve the best possible outcome for patients.


For further information, please call: 01744 853 510